Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Initial ideas front cover

Initial Ideas

These are my first hand drawn initial ideas of my front covers, there are three designs to show the revolution of the three ideas.  I had to make three different copies because i realized things that were wrong with each initial front cover.  For the first idea on the far left of the image i firstly drew the image of the model and i instantly realized that it was not the right size of what i was aiming for.  I was aiming for a medium close up and i drew a long shot and i realized that to change this I had to draw the models head larger.  On the second initial idea I also drew the model first and I did draw it the right size this time, however i realized that I wanted the persons shoulders touching the sides of the magazine and this lead to me creating a third and final initial idea.  For the last idea of a front cover I started by drawing the artists shoulder and then drawing the head, this was to make sure that the image was meeting my needs and it did.  I then went on to add props to the drawing of the model, i added sunglasses and a bomber jacket which are two typical props for an indie artist to show their coolness.  I then added the bar code which was at the bottom right hand side of the page this is so that it is out of the way and not recognized by the audience because the bar code is not relevant.  I then added the box at the top right and this is to represent where my magazine name is going to go.  I added lots of boxes around the main image and these are there for different stories that occur in the magazine.  Finally i added a main box going across the image and this is there as a heading for the artist on the front page.

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