Monday, 23 March 2015

First draft contents page

This is the first draft of the contents page for my magazine.  Overall I feel that this page is the worst out of the three that I have created and I think this is mainly because I spent much less time on this page.  However I really like the layout of the page and I will use this layout for my final draft.  I also like the heading ' this weeks notion' because it makes the magazine sound personal instead of just 'contents page' for example.  I also like the colour theme as they match the overall colour theme of my magazine to show the consistency.  Finally I also like the image as it looks very urban which meets the indie theme of 'in the city'.  However I do not like the font for 'this weeks' as I think it looks very bubbly, to change this for the final draft I will design my own font like I did for the 'notion ' font.  I do not like the image at the bottom of the page I think it completely doesn't match my indie theme and this photo will be taken again for my final design.  For my final design I need to left justify all my text so that they are aligned correctly, this will make the text look more appealing and professional.  I also think that the font used is not suitable to match my theme and for the final version I will look in to fonts further on magazines such as the NME and Q and see what style font these magazines use.  Overall u feel that this page needs a lot of Changes before the final deadline.

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