Monday, 23 March 2015

First draft front cover

This is the first draft for the front cover of my music magazine.  I decided to locate my image against a brick wall with the model showing a lot of attitude in the facial expression and this is to show the indie arrogance and swagger.  The day was overcast when I took this photo which was good as it didn't make the image too dark or too bright.  Also I got the model to wear sunglasses even though it wasn't sunny and this was to back up the indie 'coolness'.  I went for a font called 'colours of autumn' for the 'Jamie turner' text and for the text on the wall, I thought this text was good as it looks very graffiti like which matches the theme of this magazine.  However for the font on the wall I could have maybe changed the colour of it so it is easier to read.  I really like the 'notion' heading that I designed and I think it really links in with the indie theme.  To improve I feel that I should have added more formatting to make the front cover look more appealing and professional.  I also feel that the 'jamie turner' font should be much larger so that the audience can clearly tell that he is the man on the image and that he is the main talking point if this magazine.

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