Monday, 23 March 2015

First draft double page spread

This is my first draft for the double page spread on my magazine.  I decided to go for a different style on this double page spread and test a image that uses a graffiti wall as the background.  This could have either went one way or the other and I feel that it went badly.  First of all the image is just far too bright for a double page spread and this lead to the text being very hard to read.  However I think the positioning of the image is very good with the model over to one side of the image and the rest the graffiti.  I ides a number of different techniques to try and make the image less bright so that the text was readable, I firstly made a transparent text box which does work and you can read the font at a close distance, however I wanted the audience to be able to read clearly from a fair distance.  I then went on to blurring the image on Photoshop and I decided to blur the whole image other than the model and this was so that the focus is all on the model and this worked out very nicely.  Although the image did not work I really like the fonts I've used for 'jamie turner' etc and I have used then consistently throughout the magazine which shows professionalism.  Overall I know that the double page spread image needs to change for my final draft as this image is just too bright!

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