Monday, 9 February 2015

Magazine 1 Front Cover: Q Magazine March 2015

Magazine 1 Front Cover: Q Magazine March 2015
I have decided to analyse this magazine because the magazine is based on the genre of indie rock and this is what my genre for my magazine is going to be like.

The image of Noel Gallagher on the front of the magazine is very typical of indie rock swagger.  The camera man has Noel looking away from the camera to show that he is too cool for the magazine which is typical to indie coolness.  The image also shows the artist not smiling, this is used because it is cast as not 'cool' to smile if you are indie.  The image shows the artist looking up at the Q logo and this shows that the magazine is more dominant and it is also saying to the audience 'look at our magazine name, remember it'.  The text of the main heading is bending around the Artists head which is very funky and psychedelic and this is what you would associate with indie music.  The font style varies to three different fonts, this makes the magazine look good as it uses variation and the fact that only three font styles are used makes the document consistent.  The Q logo is positioned in the far left hand side of the page and is the size of around 1/4 of the page, this is showing that the logo is very dominant and this is the magazine company making sure that the audience see their magazine logo in shops so that the magazine company is well known.
For my magazine i will use the technique of using three different font styles, i will use this technique because it allows variation on the page as well as making it look professional.  I will not use more than three fonts as it would not look consistent.  For the image i will also not have the person on my shoot smiling to keep up the indie 'tradition'.  Finally i will also have the name of the music magazine in very large font to show that the name of the magazine is important.

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