The image covers the whole page for the front cover page. The image is showing all of the members of the band acting very indie, you can tell this by their very serious and 'cool' facial expressions just staring at the camera. You can also clearly tell who the front man of the band is, this is clearly shown by the front man (Alex Turner) bigger thn everyone else in the image, also the he is the only one wearing sun glasses preserving he has to be different from the other members because he is the front man. The main colour that is used for this front page is red and this is used because it meets the NME colour theme. The main heading for the magazine 'Arctic Monkeys' is in red font (to meet the NME colour theme) and is very large positioned across the band and this is to show the audience 'this is the Arctic Monkeys'. The image covers over a part of the magazine name (NME) and this is used because the magazine is already big enough so that the audience will know what the magazine is even if it is covered and this matches the cockiness of indie rock which is what this magazine is based on. The barcode is positioned in the bottom right hand corner of the magazine and this is used in every single NME magazine so it is keeping up consistency of the magazine.
For my front cover i will also position the barcode in the bottom right hand corner, this is good because it keeps the barcode out of the way of the magazine. I will also use the point of making the main heading large so that the audeince can clearly notice it. For my image I am also using the prop of sun glasses to keep up the idie 'coolness' and swagger.
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