Monday, 23 February 2015

Double page spread 2: Q magazine Novemeber 2013 Jake Bugg

I decided to analyse this double page spread on Jake Bugg from Q magazine because Q magazine is the second most indie magazine behind the NME magazine, so instead on just analysing NME magazines I used Q for variation.

The overall layout of the double page spread is that the image is positioned on the right half of the page and the main article text is positioned on the left hand half of the page.  The image itself is in black and white and this effect is used because even though he is a new artist he releass music that is of a older genre.  The image shows the artist playing his guitar and not looking at the camera, the fact that he is not looking at the camera shows his indie coolness because he doesn't care about the camera, hence he's not looking at it and the fact that he is playing his guitar shows the serious side of the artist. The main heading of the article 'The times they are A-changing' uses black font when for the first half of the page, this is to stand out from the white background and when the heading goes to the other half of the page where the iage is black and white, the font changes to a red colour and this to stand out from the black and white background.  The drop capital to start off the article is very large and this is to notify the audience where abouts the start of the article is so that they read the article.  There is one quotation from the artist which is good because the audience who dont have time to read the full article can just read this quotation.  There is a lot of empty space on the first page at the top of the page for the double page spread and this is unusual as they are normally full with information and images etc.  There is no information down the spine of the page and this is a advantage because no information is lost down the spine.
For my double page spread i also will use the technique of not applying any information to the spine of the page, this is to make sure that no information is lost for my double age spread.  The prop of a guitar in this image is also what I am going to be using for my final double page spread image.  Finally i will also use the fact of having a quotation from the artist, this is good as it shows variation instead of just having lots of writing on the main article.

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