Contents page 1: NME magazine
I have decided to analyse an NME magazines contents page because my magazine is going to be based on indie rock and the NME is the most indie magazine, so I thought analysing this would be more beneficial for me.
The overall layout to this document is that there is a main image (larger image) in the centre of the page, with a description underneath the image and this acts as the talking point of the magazine (main story). Surrounding the main image and description there are other little images of artists and these images also have a description underneath the image. These descriptions are beneficial for an audience who do not know who the artist in the image is. At the top of the page there is a heading which does not state 'contents page' which would appear on a normal magazine but they call it 'inside this week' this is very good because the NME are making it their own and the fact that it appears on all NME magazines shows it's a part of their house style and they are keeping it consistent. The heading 'inside this week' only appears on the more recent versions of the NME e,g 2010 to present. The images of artists are edited with the page numbers in to them, this is beneficial for the audience because they know where about to find information on a certain artist. The page is surrounded with a white background and this is good because the only font that needs to be used is black because it contrasts to white and makes the font stand out. However just using a white background and black font can be very boring and does not show creativity. However though the fact that only black and white is used makes the images stand out because they are bright and contrast to the white background, this then catches the audiences eyes. All of the descriptions that appear underneath the images use a quotation from the artists, this is good because it shows the realism of the magazine because they have interviewed the artist to receive information about them and this shows reliability of the magazine because some magazines may make false information about a artist.
For my contents page i will also include a heading that is different to 'contents page' this is so that i will make the magazine my own because it is different from the standard 'contents page' title. I will also use a series of images and descriptions in my contents page, this is to show the magazines variation.
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