Evaluation Question 7: Looking back at the preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression of it to the full product.
For question 7 I showed the development of my magazine compared to the preliminary task so i went from showing the preliminary task to the rough cut and to the final cut. For the first slide I showed an image of the preliminary task and said the good and bad things about the task. I then went on to show the rough task and show how it has improved compared to the preliminary task. Finally i showed the final cut and said how i improved it compared to the rough cut. For the second slide i compared my double page spreads. For the preliminary task i did not make a double page spread so i compared the rough of my double page spread and the final cut of my double page spread and stated how i improved it. For the final slide I done the same thing as analysing the front covers but compared all of the contents pages and describe how I improved them to make the final cut.
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