Wednesday, 6 May 2015

Contents Page Final

Contents Page Final Design

This is my final contents page for my magazine.  It is much different to my rough cut as i have added in lots of different features to make my contents page more professional.  I also added in features that had been used on the contents pages of style models i researched.

Features I used from style models:

  • Formatting - I used lots of lines to underline certain text and outline certain areas of the page.  This type of feature was used on Q contents pages a lot thoughout a number of different magazines.
  • I put the band index at the bottom of the page and the important news at the top of the page.  This is because the audience read from top to bottom and so the more important news will be read first.
  • Added in 3 images instead of 2, this is to show variation and also to show other artsts as well as the main artist (front cover artist).
  • 'New' logos down the right hand side of the page are used on Q contents page when brand new news comes in and i decided to also use a logo similar to Q's.  However my logos are covered in a blue background to keep my blue colour theme consistent.
  • Aligned the text to the left hand side of the page so that the text looks professional instead of all over the place like it was on my rough cut.
  • Added in a date at the top of the page to notify the audience, this is also used on Q contents pages.
One thing that I thought of my self for a change was having the page numbers on the band index column in a record background.  I used this as it suited my indie theme.

Overall I like how I have improved the contents page by adding in relevant features, however I spent less time on the contents page compared to the other pages and if I spent more time I could have improved the contents page a lot more.

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