Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Double page spread font style

DPS font style

For my double page (main text) I went for the serif font of Bookman Old Style, I used this font because looking at my style models the double page spreads all used serif font styles.  I went for the bookman old style serif font mainly because it is an easy font to read for the audience and also because it perfectly meets the indie theme.  I made the main text a black font so that it would contrast from the blue background and stand out so the audience can read the text easily.  I included a questionnaire in my double page spread and I highlighted the questions asked in green so that the audience could specifically see that these were the questions in the questionnaire.  I also included a break out box with a quote inside and this is to break up the text so that the audience don't get bored of the standard main article.  A break out box is also good for the audience who don't want to read the main article so they can just skip it and read the main quotes instead to get a overview of the article.

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