Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Double page spread font style

DPS font style

For my double page (main text) I went for the serif font of Bookman Old Style, I used this font because looking at my style models the double page spreads all used serif font styles.  I went for the bookman old style serif font mainly because it is an easy font to read for the audience and also because it perfectly meets the indie theme.  I made the main text a black font so that it would contrast from the blue background and stand out so the audience can read the text easily.  I included a questionnaire in my double page spread and I highlighted the questions asked in green so that the audience could specifically see that these were the questions in the questionnaire.  I also included a break out box with a quote inside and this is to break up the text so that the audience don't get bored of the standard main article.  A break out box is also good for the audience who don't want to read the main article so they can just skip it and read the main quotes instead to get a overview of the article.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Updated double page spread

Updated Double Page Spread

This is my newly updated version of my double page spread.  As shown on the previous blog I took a new image in the studio.  The text is aligned to the right hand side of the page and the model is positioned to the left hand side of the page, i used this format because of influences from an NME magazine that i posted in an earlier blog post (noel gallagher double page spread).  I prefer this double page spread compared to my old one mainly because users can now actually read the text without a struggle and this is down to the fact that i used a blue background and black font, two contrasting colours so the font stands out.  I have ow got nothing on the left hand page other than the image and this is conventional because it meets the style model that i am aiming for.

Monday, 13 April 2015

Final double page spread photo

This is my overall double page spread image, as you can see compared to my previous blog, i have added the model into a background and also added a spotlight on the model.  To do this I simply added two different colours white and blue and then selected a certain area on the image and this then contrasted the two colours.  I also selected a direct point on the image so that there is a spotlight surrounding the model looking like he is the main talking point.  I left the right hand half of the page blank so that I could add in the main columns and the name of the artist etc.  I think that this image is much better than the old image mainly because the audience will now be able to actually read the article on the double page spread.

New double page spread photo

This is my new double page spread image as I have decided to change my current one (mentioned in earlier blogs).  I decided to shoot the image in the school studio because the style model that I was going for (previous blog) also used a studio.  My plan for this image was to make my model look very serious to meet the theme of the indie swagger and confidence.  I also made my model wear a white polo shirt to look cool and indie and also so that there was a change of costume from the other images.  I used two lights shining down on the model as this was what the style model i looked at looked like it used and the images that came out looked very similar to the style model (lighting wise).  My plan was to then crop out the model on Photoshop then add him into a background including a spotlight around him. See the next blog to see how the image turned out at the end once edited.

Style model influence for new double page spread image

This is a double page spread of noel gallagher in an NME magazine in 2011.  I looked at a number of different double page spreads to try and find an influence to use for my new double page spread and this image was perfect for my theme.
I liked straight away how there is a glow of light surrounding the artist and this shows that he is the spotlight and this is what I am going to do for my new double page spread.  I am also, like this double page spread, going to have the artist positioned to the left hand side of the page with no information at all, just the artist and I am going to use this because it looks conventional and effective.  I will also have the artist name in large writing to show that the image is on this artist.  Finally I will also have the writing in three columns at the bottom of the page, however there will be more text than this double page spread so the columns will be bigger.